Podcast Episode 14 with Transcription – Rem Oculee

Rem Oculee:

Welcome to the Exit Mindset Podcast. I’m Rem Oculee. 15 years ago, when I was trying to sell one of my companies, I couldn’t get what I thought was the right price for it. I realized I had things set up the wrong way, even though the company was profitable. So, I spent years researching and studying exit strategies to improve my company’s valuation. I discovered that the same process that improves valuation would improve business profitability and give me more free time. I’m here to show you what I have learned. You see, the best way to grow your business is to look at it from the perspective of someone who’s going to buy your company. Once you start thinking that way, magic happens, and you start seeing things you could not see before. But that’s not all, I also discovered the three principles that you must know to command a better price for your company. The three principles are first, the product, second, the infrastructure, and third, the conversation you have with the consumer. Once you master these three principles, you will be on your way to increasing your profits, your company valuation, and get more work-life balance. So, listen in and learn how you can do that. I will teach you through this podcast, lessons from the trenches, and we will have a dialogue with some of the greatest minds on the planet.

Do you ever wonder why sometimes, despite all the work that you put into everything that you do, things just don’t happen? Well, I’m going to have to answer for you. It could be as simple as the way you are receiving things and your mindset towards the future. So, in this podcast, I’m going to be talking about abundance mentality and scarcity mentality, and they are opposite polar of what could determine whether you succeed or fail. And I can assure you no matter how much drive you have, no matter how much work you have, if you have a scarcity mentality, you’re not going to get there. And I’m going to prove it for you and also prove to you conclusively, if you adopt an abundance mentality that you’ll get there, no matter what. And the first thing we’re going to be talking about is that how things get done when it comes to your brain, how do you achieve what you achieve?

And in most cases, what people do is that they take action or they don’t take action. If you don’t take action, of course nothing happens because you didn’t take any action. But if you think something could work out, you’re going to take action towards it. When you take action, typically, you’re going to get some sort of result. Once the result comes in, you can have some sort of a belief that the result you got is based on your action, which gives you feedback. So, you start taking more action to get you more results, to give you more belief. That is essentially the dynamic of how people actually won the dynamic of performance. People achieve and perform because they do those three things. They take action, they get results, and then they stop believing that their action created results. And they continue to stack them until they get better and better at what they do.

There’s a couple of hiccups in this, by the way, and I’ll tell you what they are. Lots of times people take action. But they’re so short-sighted, that when they don’t see the results immediately, they think it doesn’t represent their belief. Now their belief system says this does not work. And that’s where we, as intelligent people would not succumb and fall to this kind of cycle in the wrong way. We should fall in it in the right way. So, the first thing you gotta do in fact, is you’re going to have to have the belief first. You have to believe that something can be done, and that’s typically what everybody does. They think something’s going to be done, can be done. Hey, I could get there, I could do this, I could do that. So, they take the first action, but the first action does not result improvement.

But you do have the belief, you have to maintain that. Once that happens, you take the second action, third action. At some point, one of those actions is going to create the results you’re looking for. Once you get that, you can use that as a basis and a validation consciously that this would actually get you there. So, now you go back and take more action and you get more results. Take more than your belief would be reinforced and you’d go from there. So, the more actions you take, the more results you’re going to get, the more belief you’re going to have. This is exactly how big performers in the world, whether it’s in the world of business, athletics, anything, you name it, arts, it’s that process plays itself with everyone. That’s why some people would get good at something, some people, others, don’t. Sure, there’s some natural tendencies as humans.

Everybody likes something or doesn’t like something. But I find that lots of times people saw liking something, once they find out they’re good at it. You must have had those kinds of thoughts. You do something, it works very well. Oh, wow. This worked, it’s enjoyable. Therefore, you do it again, and again. Then you get better at it. That could be anything from playing ping pong to running a marathon or doing something that you like. So, if you take that mindset and impose it on the Exit Mindset. Which is looking at your business from a perspective of, how can I create a better valuation my business, how can I create more tangible product, better infrastructure, a better conversation in my business? What would I have to do here? You start taking steps. In the business world, most of the steps you take in the beginning aren’t necessarily going to work.

It really does take a belief system that’s somewhat anchored to a level. So, that you could take it from there and start continuing to work, despite the fact that you don’t see the results you’re looking for. If you believe that the results are going to come in, if you just keep pressing on, then you’re going to see them, and they’re belief is going to get reinforced. And as soon as that belief gets reinforced, as soon as you see results, you’re going to find that you are going to be more motivated, more energized to do it. The key is to get yourself to that point, and the key is to light up that fire. I’ll give you an example. Simple example is that you’re in a forest and we’ll see whether you’ve been there yourself or that you’ve seen it in shows or they heard it from people. If you take two rocks and you’re out there, there’s no fire. Thake two rocks, and you put them together, long, sufficiently.

Then you would, can create a spark that could create a fire. That’s how fire gets started, by people that don’t have matches. But if you hit the rocks together twice or three times, and you just expect it to work, it’s not going to happen. You got to go probably about a hundred times, but if you’ve never done this, done this in your life, the endeavor seems like daunting. Seems like it will never happen. You’d probably give up, unless you really have to eat or do something. Then you probably going to keep doing it. But for people that don’t have to do that, they’re just going to give up. But if you’ve done once, then you can do it again and again and again. And subsequently you’re going to be somewhat of an expert at lighting fires, but at least you won’t be struggling to do it or give up.

So, same thing we have here when it comes to business, when it comes to the Exit Mindset. So, you as a business owner must be in the lead when it comes to understanding that dynamic. Because what happens here is that you’re going to have to tell people to continue pressing on when it all looks like it’s not going to work out. So, let’s tie this to that abundance versus scarcity mindset. When it comes to increasing the valuation of your business, you are looking for abundance automatically. You can’t say to yourself, “I want to have higher valuation for my business, but it’s scarce or I want scarcity, I want less.” You’re saying, “I want more.” And by virtue of doing that, your mind starts to operate like a, like a homing device going after that target. As long as you keep that thought that you will increase your valuation, using the strategies that we tell you about.

Then in the end, you’re going to keep on the path. As you go forward, you’re going to get validations. They’ll increase your belief and allow you to get towards what you’re looking for, or allow you to get what you’re looking for. There are a number of things that are going to happen in the process. One, you’re going to get data. Two, you going to make improvements. Three, you’re going to see your people actually encouraged and working towards that goal. And four, you yourself, you’re going to be in a different mindset that is going to be very helpful to you achieving your objective. So, let’s talk about why abundance mentality gets there and why scarcity mentality gets you there too. It’s really simple. When people have a scarcity mentality, what they typically do is they’ll focus on what is not. So, the big advice here starts right off the bat. I’m going to tell you a solution to the problem as we talk about it, that way you can orient your thinking.

Don’t think in terms of not. Do not say, “I do not want to have a low valuation.” Don’t say that. I suggest you focus on the concept of, you want to have higher valuation. Why do I say that? It is just semantics. But when you focus on what you’re looking for, you’re gonna get it. When you focus on your, what you’re not looking for, you’re not gonna get it. Notice the commonality here, the word not. If you focus on the things that are negative, the proverbial glass is half empty. You’re pretty much going to get that too. So, if you’re focusing on the difficulties, you’re going to get difficulties. If you’re focused on the impossibility, you are going to get the impossibility. It is depending on what you think. If you’re focused on, how can I get that number? Then you’re going to get that number. It all depends on how you ask the question.

If you ask the question with power. Questions, such as, “How can I get the valuation that I’m looking for?” You’re going to get answers that will help you achieve that objective. And you’re going to be on the path, which leads you to taking the action, which leads you to beliefs and enforces it again, which is what we talked about. However, if you ask questions that do not give you power such as, “How can I get there when I have all those difficulties?” Well, the answer to that is, that you can’t get there. Of course you already presuppose that he can never get there because of all these difficulties. That is not a power question. And one of the key things you can learn from here is that as soon as you notice that you’re asking yourself questions, that are not power questions, you’ve got to stop and say, “How can I rephrase that question?”

So the question is not, “How can I get to my results while I have all these, since I have all these difficulties?” It would be more, “How can I achieve the results and even move even more forward after that?” That will be a power question. So, that’s a strategy for you to apply, to help you when you have some confusion or sometimes, you’re not sure about something. The more you ask yourself, the right questions, the better. So, I’m going to wrap this up for you. I gave you multiple concepts that are very, very deep, but I try to do is give you a way to look at it with a solution that you can implement immediately. The concepts that I gave you right now are the concept of how to take action, to create belief. The second concept I gave you is how to ask the right questions, the power questions.

And the third concept is how to look at things from a perspective of abundance versus scarcity. In each one of those there’s one solution that will help you achieve the results you’re looking for. So, in summation, to get the things you’re looking for, you got to reorient how your brain looks at things. You need to understand, you’re in control of your brain. Your brain does not control you. You have to make a decision as to how to think. And that’s a skill that comes in with practice. The way you achieve that practice is by implementing one strategy at a time. So, in the case of questions, we talked about asking yourself power questions. The key to this is that you got to observe your questions, you got to be an observer. So, when you see yourself asking the wrong questions, go in and just say, “Nope, let me stop.”

“That’s not a good question. I’m going to change that to a power question. How can I get there? How can I do that?” If you ask yourself that question sufficiently, strong enough, long enough, hard enough, you’re going to find that the answers will come in. I guarantee you that. Now I’m not going to, I’m not guarantee it’s going to come in one minute, but I guarantee you, if you keep asking, at some point you would get it. Could be a minute. It could be an hour. It could be a day. Even if it’s a month or six months or a year, lots of those great breakthroughs come in from long-term reflection. And sometimes you just, you just ask the question, and the answer comes. Now the other one, when it comes to mentality of scarcity versus abundance, the more you’re focused on the big things in life.

And the more you focus on getting what’s abundant, the more you’re going to get there. The more you’re going to focus on what’s scarce, you gonna get there too. So, your job as an exercise on a regular basis, just to think, “Am I looking at things from a scarcity or abundance standpoint?” And you can analyze that. And if you find that the answer to be, “I am being scarce here, I could do more here and I could do better.” Then go think about it and change your thinking. And the last one is, action will leave results. And the exercise on that one is that try to take action, knowing that you may not necessarily get the results you’re looking for immediately. That’s the trick to this. As long as you have the overarching belief that this could work, at least keep hitting it with actions.

And my conviction is that you will start seeing some results, which will only encourage you and give you that belief that you’re looking forward to go take more action. And you’re gonna get there. So, what we did is actually we designed a worksheet for you that will take those three mindset strategies and help you clearly see them and see how we could use them in the right way and remind you of how to use them and remind you of them. And that sheet is on exitmindset.com/tools. However, if you want it quicker from the future, you want to get the tools right away, instead of you having to go search for them, just go ahead and opt in. We will always send you the latest podcast along with the link to the tools and that way we can get it directly downloaded without having to go through every tool we have out there, even though the alignment is going to be beneficial to be. So, as I always say, action is everything and no pun intended here, use it or lose it. I’m Rem Oculee, and I’ll see you on the next podcast.

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Send your questions to askrem@exitmindset.com and we may answer them in an episode.

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Become the best version of yourself, take control of your business goals, and reach the next level with Exit MindsetTM coaching.