What Makes a Great Team

askrem@exitmindset.com | Facebook Youtube Linkedin Twitter Thick-instagram-logo Exit Mindsetᵀᴹ Assemble a Team to Work Smarter Not Harder If you’re beginning to notice that your teams aren’t living up to their full potential, there is likely a problem with your infrastructure. Before you pass the blame along to your managers and other employees, take a moment […]

Podcast Episode 17 with Transcription – Rem Oculee

askrem@exitmindset.com | Facebook Youtube Linkedin Twitter Thick-instagram-logo Exit Mindsetᵀᴹ Rem Oculee: Welcome to the Exit Mindset Podcast. I’m Rem Oculee. 15 years ago, when I was trying to sell one of my companies, I couldn’t get what I thought was the right price for it. I realized I had things set up the wrong way, […]

Positioning Your Business in an Unpredictable Economy

askrem@exitmindset.com | Facebook Youtube Linkedin Twitter Thick-instagram-logo Exit Mindsetᵀᴹ Federal Budget Deficit & Taxes As a business owner, being in tune with your surroundings is a superb way to gain an edge on the competition. One of the biggest factors that may be affecting your business without immediately grasping your attention is the federal budget […]

Podcast Episode 16 with Transcription – Rem Oculee

askrem@exitmindset.com | Facebook Youtube Linkedin Twitter Thick-instagram-logo Exit Mindsetᵀᴹ   Welcome to the Exit Mindset Podcast. I’m Rem Oculee. 15 years ago, when I was trying to sell one of my companies, I couldn’t get what I thought was the right price for it. I realized I had things set up the wrong way, even […]

Understanding the Totality of Your Business

askrem@exitmindset.com | Facebook Youtube Linkedin Twitter Thick-instagram-logo Exit Mindsetᵀᴹ Understanding the Totality of Your Business Understanding the totality of your business could be a lot easier than you may think. There is a tool that has been utilized by top level corporations worldwide to break down their business into four actionable pieces. This tool is […]

Podcast Episode 14 with Transcription – Rem Oculee

askrem@exitmindset.com | Facebook Youtube Linkedin Twitter Thick-instagram-logo Exit Mindsetᵀᴹ Rem Oculee: Welcome to the Exit Mindset Podcast. I’m Rem Oculee. 15 years ago, when I was trying to sell one of my companies, I couldn’t get what I thought was the right price for it. I realized I had things set up the wrong way, […]

Tightening Your Business with the Right Tools

askrem@exitmindset.com | Facebook Youtube Linkedin Twitter Thick-instagram-logo Exit Mindsetᵀᴹ The Wrench Metaphor In order to successfully use your wrench, you’ll first need to be able to accept the fact that there are in fact some pieces of your company that aren’t properly bolted together. Next, you’ll need to be able to identify where the loose […]

Podcast Episode 13 with Transcription – Rem Oculee

askrem@exitmindset.com | Facebook Youtube Linkedin Twitter Thick-instagram-logo Exit Mindsetᵀᴹ Rem Oculee: Welcome to the Exit Mindset Podcast. I’m Rem Oculee. 15 years ago, when I was trying to sell one of my companies, I couldn’t get what I thought was the right price for it. I realized I had things set up the wrong way, […]

Rebasing Your Business

askrem@exitmindset.com | Facebook Youtube Linkedin Twitter Thick-instagram-logo Exit Mindsetᵀᴹ The core principal of the Exit Mindset is the ability to reframe your outlook on your own business. You need to look at from an outside buyer’s perspective. To think like a buyer, you need to imagine as if you are interested in purchasing your own […]

Become the best version of yourself, take control of your business goals, and reach the next level with Exit MindsetTM coaching.

Become the best version of yourself, take control of your business goals, and reach the next level with Exit MindsetTM coaching.